Overview of The Macrobiotic Diet

Overview of The Macrobiotic DietThe Macrobiotic diet is a dietary philosophy and lifestyle that emphasizes whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. It also places importance on natural sweeteners, such as honey and maple syrup, as well as sea salt instead of table salt.

The word “macro” refers to foods that are generally considered healthy; these are all the things this diet revolves around. The Macrobiotic diet is centered around eating smaller quantities of food in greater frequency. Macrobiotics also recommends eating only until you are 80% full in order to prevent overeating.

It recommends eating once every three hours and from a very limited list of foods. There are various reasons why someone might choose to follow the principles of this diet, including reducing stress on the body, cleansing the liver and kidneys, losing weight or simply for its taste-enhancing properties.


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Overview of The Raw Food Diet

Overview of The Raw Food DietThe raw food diet is a way of eating that focuses on uncooked, unprocessed, and often organic foods. Proponents of this diet believe that this type of food is more nutritious and contains more vitamins and minerals than cooked or processed foods.

The raw food diet typically involves mostly eating raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, and wild plants. It’s also referred to as the uncooked food diet or the living food diet.

It’s important to understand why someone would choose a raw food diet before beginning one yourself. This article will cover all you need to know about the raw food diet so you can make an informed decision about whether it’s right for you.


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Overview of The Dukan Diet

Overview of The Dukan DietThe Dukan Diet has become a famous weight loss program in just a few years. It was founded by Pierre Dukan, who is also known as “the man who hates fats”. The Dukan Diet is based on the principle that there are two kinds of nutrients – proteins and carbohydrates. Both of these have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to losing weight.

The Dukan Diet is not only about following a strict meal plan; it’s also a way of life that helps you understand why we gain weight and how to lose it once and for all. This article explains the principles behind The Dukan Diet so that you can decide whether or not this diet plan is right for you.


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